Find help to support your fertility journey at Radiant Life Holistic Wellness.


How can the practitioners at radiant life support your fertilty or ivf journey?

Embarking on the journey to conceive is both thrilling and marked by uncertainties, waiting, and stress. Couples may encounter challenges like unexplained infertility, advanced perimenopause, or recurrent miscarriage. Genetics, stress, health imbalances, and lifestyle factors all contribute to conception hurdles. The skilled practitioners at Radiant Life Studio specialize in holistic approaches to guide you through your fertility journey. Therapeutic services designed to soothe the mind, calm the nervous system, alleviate body aches, improve blood circulation, balance hormones, and foster a positive mindset.

other services for fertility + PRegnancy

fertility Services

60 min | 90 min | 2 hr Integrative Fertility Focused Massage + Essential oil treatment with NIcole

Prepare for natural conception or IVF treatment with techniques promoting balance and calm. This includes manual lymphatic drainage for clearing and improved lymphatic flow, a heated essential oil-infused castor oil pack over the belly for enhanced blood circulation, and gentle massage for abdominal release, detoxification, and hormonal balance. These essential oils aim to regulate hormones, alleviate stress, and create a conducive environment for conception. Reflexology invigorates energy and aligns brain communication with organs, reducing stress response. Customizable 90-minute or 2-hour sessions may include Reiki and sound healing therapy for energy balancing and clearing.

  • Certain essential oils are believed to regulate hormonal imbalances, alleviate stress, and foster a conducive environment for conception. The aromatic compounds in the oils are thought to stimulate the limbic system, influencing emotions and potentially reducing stress. By addressing stress, which can impact hormonal balance and fertility, the calming effects of essential oils aim to contribute to a more supportive environment for reproductive health.

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage sequence is applied to all the main lymphatic clearing channels, and lymphatic centers of the body and abdomen. This full body process helps aid in detoxification, digestive system attunement, reduce edema, and boost lymphatic immune system! This process is great for preparing for IVF treatments.

  • A heated organic castor oil pack with therapeutic grade essential oils are applied to the belly infused for hormone supportive and energy clearing specific oils.

  • Therapeutic foot reflexology is included which calms the nervous system, and focuses on energy points for organ balance and function.

  • Gentle Myofascial release massage is applied to the belly for release of adhesions which may affect uterine positioning. Massage also assists with clearing organs and boosting function for: gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and stomach, bladder, ovaries, pelvic positioning, and increase blood flow to uterus, and clear stagnant energy flow.

  • Holy Fire Reiki guided meditation, sound bowl therapy, and crystal therapy can be included in 90 min or 2 hour session. Reiki is beneficial for stress relief, emotional release, and chakra balance that influences organs and systems of the body.

  • Sound therapy with crystal and metal bowls can help to release emotions like fear, anger, or grief that can contribute to emotional blocks related to pregnancy, labor, parenthood, or otherwise.

  • Crystal therapy is used to help clear chakras, and aura for cellular function, emotional clearing, and energy boost.

60 min | 90 min Fertility Focused Reiki + Sound Bowl Healing

The specialized session is dedicated to establishing a profound connection with the Source, clearing all chakras, and preparing the individual as a sacred vessel for life. The intentional focus is for a healthy body conducive to fertility and a safe pregnancy, in addition to releasing energy blocks, or limiting beliefs, and promote a strong bond and communication with your Spirit baby awaiting to be conceived.

Relax into a peaceful state as the resonant tones of metal Tibetan and quartz crystal bowls envelop them. Crystal-infused therapeutic infrared heat mat, Reiki with guided meditation, sound bowl therapy, herbal smudging, and crystal therapy. This session aims to cut energetic cord, releasing fears, and reducing stress which can create blocks in energy that may limit conception.

60 Min | 90 min | 2 hour | Fertility Focused Reiki + Craniosacral Therapy Session

The combined use of Craniosacral therapy and Reiki can offer a holistic approach that may positively impact fertility. Craniosacral therapy aims to enhance the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, potentially improving circulation to reproductive organs and promoting overall balance. Reiki is focused on channeling healing energy, to balance the body's energy and address emotional blockages. These therapies aim to reduce stress, optimize energy flow, and support emotional well-being, creating a harmonious environment that may contribute to improved fertility.

60 min Acupuncture with Dr. Sarah Hung, ND

Acupuncture proves to be a beneficial adjunct to the IVF process by offering support in multiple ways. It aids in stress reduction, creating a more relaxed atmosphere during the often tense IVF journey. The practice also enhances blood flow to reproductive organs, potentially improving the chances of successful embryo implantation. Acupuncture contributes to hormonal balance, positively influencing egg quality and overall reproductive health.

It may also boost ovarian response, mitigate side effects of IVF treatments, and enhance the receptivity of the uterine lining for embryo implantation.

Contact Dr. Sarah Hung, ND for more info about Acupuncture, or other Naturopathic services for Fertility assistance.

Grief work, Counselling, Coaching for Fertility | Prices Vary, some insurance accepted

Contact us to schedule services with Heidi, Paige, Michelle, or Paige. View their profiles | HERE |

The licensed and certified practitioners at Radiant Life understand the emotional complexities that often accompany the trying-to-conceive journey, and their expertise extends beyond physical wellness. Addressing emotions, grief, trauma, or stress during this sensitive period is crucial. Incorporating counseling, life coaching, or grief work into the holistic approach can provide invaluable support during this process. These therapeutic modalities offer a safe space for individuals and couples to explore and process their emotions, fostering a deeper understanding of the challenges they face. By navigating emotional hurdles with guidance, individuals can cultivate resilience, develop coping strategies, and nurture mental well-being, all of which are essential components of a comprehensive and supportive approach to the journey of conception.


outside services for fertilty

Photography provided by Laura | Whine and Cheese Photography