Occupational Therapy and Integrative Movement Therapies at Radiant Life Holistic Wellness Center


Benefits of movement therapies:

Movement therapies such as Yoga, Myofascial release, Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT), Integrative Movement Therapy, and Occupational Therapy share the common goal of enhancing physical well-being through targeted interventions. NKT focuses on correcting dysfunctional movement patterns by assessing and reprogramming the nervous system's motor control. Integrative Movement Therapy takes a holistic approach, incorporating various movement modalities to address physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects of health. Occupational Therapy, on the other hand, is a broader discipline that utilizes purposeful activities to improve individuals' ability to engage in daily life. While NKT and Integrative Movement Therapy concentrate on specific movement patterns, Occupational Therapy encompasses a wider range of activities to promote overall functional independence. The common thread among these approaches is their emphasis on personalized, patient-centered care, addressing both physical and cognitive aspects to enhance the quality of life. Each therapy brings a unique set of tools and techniques, catering to the individual's specific needs, whether it's correcting movement imbalances, fostering integrative well-being, or enabling greater independence in daily activities.

90 min Integrative Occupational Therapy Evaluation

Tracy Schnabel, Touch of Serenity Therapy, Wholistic Occupational Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher

Tracy, the proprietor of Touch of Serenity Therapy, provides a tailored and integrative approach to meet individual needs at the Radiant Life studio for adults, children, and whole families. Emphasizing spinal alignment as a focal point after assessment, she melds occupational therapy with eastern medicine techniques to promote balance and holistic healing of the body-mind and emotional connection. Tracy offers a diverse range of modalities in her sessions, including myofascial release massage, reiki, sound healing, manual lymphatic drainage, craniosacral therapy, or Raindrop essential oil technique. With expertise in rehabilitating conditions from orthopedic surgeries to brain and spinal cord injuries, Tracy acknowledges the pivotal role of the mind-body connection, especially in her work with individuals diagnosed with PTSD, ADHD, and Autism.

60 min | 90 min Myofascial release session

Tracy offers an integrative approach to bodywork through myofascial release. This therapy helps to warm and soften fascia by applying gentle, sustained pressure on specific areas of the body to release tension and restrictions in the fascia, a connective tissue that surrounds muscles. This session works through clothing, or while partially clothed. Clients may experience a stretching sensation or mild discomfort during the process. The benefits of myofascial release include improved flexibility, reduced muscle pain, increased range of motion, and relief from chronic tension and stress. It aims to address fascial imbalances and promote overall well-being.

60 min | 90 min Spinal evaluation and Stretch therapy session

Tracy offers a spinal alignment evaluation and can combine her guidance along with passive stretching techniques to assist in release of muscle and fascia tension, increase range of motion, and enhance circulation throughout your body. She will your own pace, ensuring a comfortable and tailored experience that meets your individual needs and goals.

Whether you are an athlete looking to enhance performance, someone recovering from injury seeking rehabilitation, or simply in need of some deep relaxation, this facilitated stretch therapy session offers a unique and effective approach to improving your physical and mental health.

105 Min Intro Integrative movement and Neurokinetic Therapy Evaluation

Charmaine Garry, One 2 One Kinetics, Integrative Movement Specialist

Charmaine typically schedules on the first week of the month (Fri & Sat), traveling from 3 hours north in Wisconsin. Availability is limited, so pre-booking is suggested.

Articles on Neurokinetic Therapy:

Dr. Axe talks about benefits of NeuroKinetic therapy for Rehab and Chronic Pain | HERE | .

What is Neurokinetic Therapy? | HERE |

This session includes a full body movement pattern evaluation, release work, muscle activation work, and a plan for at-home care.

This session merges NKT (NeuroKinetic Therapy) and Integrative Movement Therapy concepts. Charmaine works to correct dysfunctional movement patterns by assessing and reprogramming the nervous system's motor control. She integrates various movement modalities from her 25 years of experience in movement therapy, to holistically address physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects for overall health rebalance, and chronic pain treatment.

NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) combines hands-on muscle testing and a type of muscle release like Active Release Technique (ART), a chiropractic technique called, Applied Kinesiology, which uses touch and adjustments to help the body heal itself. Muscle testing assists the release of tight muscles and tissue, then reprogram neurological connection from the brain to “weak” muscles.

60 min | 90 min Private or small group yoga session

Heidi Hilton is a YRT 200 hr certified yoga instructor, Certified Life and Spiritual coach, reiki II practitioner and medical Esthetician

Julie Lomax is a 900 hr Registered Yoga Therapist, Reiki Master, and Sound Bowl Practitioner

Heidi or Julie offers a one-on-one or small group yoga session. Yoga as a movement therapy offers physical, mental, and emotional benefits by combining mindful movement, breathwork, and meditation, promoting flexibility, stress reduction, and enhanced overall well-being.



A one-on-one or small group yoga session with Heidi or Julie adds a unique and enriching dimension, combining physical well-being, mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual connection. A yoga and energy healing session combines the physical practice of yoga with the focused energy work for chakra balancing. During the session, yoga postures are complemented by specific energy healing techniques, aligning with each chakra to promote balance and vitality. This integrated approach enhances the benefits of both practices, fostering a deeper mind-body connection and a more comprehensive sense of well-being. By synergizing yoga's physicality with energy healing's holistic focus on the subtle body, individuals may experience a more profound and harmonious integration, addressing both the physical and energetic aspects for a more balanced and transformative wellness experience.