Therapeutic Reflexology is not just a foot massage.


What is Reflexology?

Foot reflexology is a calming and invigorating massage sequence performed over the surface of the foot or hands. IT helps to break the body’s automatic feedback loop, and reconnect the brain to regulate organs and systems of the body through reflex zones, and points.

  • Sinusitis, Allergies + Headaches

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Grounding

  • Naturally calms + invigorates

  • Increase relaxation of parasympathetic nervous system

60 min | Therapeutic Foot Reflexology Session

An intentional but relaxing massage sequence includes very light quick motions applied to the full surface of the feet or hands. This service is very intentional and can be specifically customized to each individual’s needs. It is safe for being applied during pregnancy, and helps to calm the nervous system.

Reflexology can be included in a fertility treatment with intention for hormone, and organ support.

Read more about the benefits of Reflexology | HERE |