Group Classes & Workshops

Q: What kinds of group classes can I attend at Radiant Life Holistic Wellness Center?

A: Many! Classes range from Sip & Paint, Art Studio, Crafting Classes, Intuitive Development, Fertility & Pregnancy Education, Sound Bowl & Energywork Group Classes, Yoga Classes

​Photo Credit: Mitya Ku

45 min   Sound Bowl Meditation Class  $15

Currently not offered.
Class limited to 8 seats.

Metal and Crystal sound bowls are struck individually or in succession to create a calming rhythm of music. The sound helps to clear the mind, and slow the on-going process of emerging thought that cycles day to day.. Sound bowl meditation is beneficial to help passively relax the body and mind. By creating a safe space for meditation, the nervous system can reset, and allow the body to focus on cell regeneration and healing, in turn moving out of fight or flight mode we often experience.

Guided mediation will be played at the beginning of the session while the music begins to guide the relaxation and visualization process. All Yoga Mats, straps, blocks, bolsters, and blankets provided.

Benefits and uses of sound bowls:
- Aid balance of energy flow in body
- Assist in grounding the body, mind, spirit
- To aid in meditation, yoga or spiritual practices
- Energy healing practices
- To create music
- To soothe upset children and babies

Energy Education & Intuitive Development class

Energy Education & Intuitive Development class

90 min Energy Education and Intuitive Development Class $20

Classe added soon.
Group is limited to 12.

This class creates a safe space for open conversation and learning. Any negativity will not be supported. Specific literature as a group may be discussed. Each class may build on different topics from class to class, but can still be fluid enough for new-comers each month. This is perfect for individuals who are new to learning about energy and the body, and seeking to discover holistic ways to stay balanced energetically. Topics for class may include: shielding negative energy, intuition and the body, intuitive development and practice, angels, synchronicity, essential oils, smudging, herbs, energy work, meditation, sound healing.

BYOB Pour Painting Class

BYOB Pour Painting Class

90 Min BYOB Painting & Art Class $25

Join artist Nicole, owner of the Radiant Life Studio, for a fun evening of wine sipping, and art class! Whether you're an experienced artist, or painting newbie, you can enjoy this fun group activity to create a messy splash of color on canvas.

Class currently not offered.
- Class begins promptly at 6pm.
- Bring snacks and your own drinks.

No experience necessary. All art supplies are provided. BYOB, 21+ ONLY.